That was easy.

People across The Valley are taking control of their health.

It's super cool, and it's very affordable.


Wayyy cheaper than other labs.


They show you exactly where your levels are...and you can continuously monitor it.


Quick and convenient. And affordable, considering that I couldn't get this test through my doctor. Thanks!


I still can't get over how easy this was. Convenient (they came to me!) and affordable (cheaper than the typical labs in town)! And I just went over my results. WOW!


Thank you for making preventative medicine convenient and easy!

Emma & Tristan

Wow, this is a great service. This is what preventative care should be.


Highly recommend them; couldn't be more professional and high end for a blood draw.


I was able to get my ApoB tested from home for cheap, meanwhile my insurance wouldn't cover it. Why wait?


It was so easy...and now I have a good read on my numbers to make those adjustments...for my health and my family.


That was so easy. Your phlebotomist is excellent!!


I think this is the future of healthcare.


Great service. The blood draw was painless, and I got results the next day.


It couldn't be easier.

Mary Kate

I like to do bloodwork twice a year, and this is way easier and cheaper than going to my doctor. Now I just share my results after.


Costs way less than Labcorp or Sonora Quest, and they came to me!


The UI/UX is amazing! I love the dashboard and how I can dive into what each test means.

HealthScope is the new way.
The old way?
Call or text, anytime:
(602) 962-1714
Providers and payers
©2024 HealthScope Inc.
HealthScope offers health and wellness solutions including laboratory testing for wellness monitoring, informational, and educational use. These tests are not intended to diagnose or treat disease, and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.
HealthScope is the new way.
The old way?